Nicole Jutka Biography

Nicole Jutka is a multiple award winner, established international visual artist, with exhibitions in museums, her works can be found in the collection in several countries: Germany, USA, France, Italy, Slovakia, Romania.

A W A R D S_

2021 | Circle Quarterly Magazine Contest - Excellence Award for work “Green free tree”

2021 | Diploma, full member of the Tomitan Academy for important activity in the field of art from Archbishop Theodosius of Tomis, Constanta/Romania


2020  | PRIZE FOR PAINTINGS & SCULPTURE, LIFE‘s  WORK,   Academie Dimitrie Cantemir/Romania

2019  | PRIX D ENCOURAGEMENT DU JURY,Loubet, Cote d Azur/France

2017  | Arta Vita Art Contest, Santa Barbara/USA

2016  | “HEIMAT” (HOME) ART COMPETITION Cologne/Germany , 2nd place in the   “Group Prize” category your art school “Atelier Jutka” Artschool for all
– for student Abdulrahman Barghoti 3rd place in the category “Youngsters – up to 18 years”

2016  |  PREMIO INTERNATIONALE D´ARTE, „PREMIO SPECIALE DELLA GIURA“, San Crispino, Italia, for work “Wings” and “Pain”


S O L O  E X H I B I T I O N_  (last years)


2022 | April Art Fair Shanghai/China (corona limited)
2022 | Monaco (corona limited)
2022 | Prize Eminescu, “Light penetrates darkness” Ovidiu, arhiescopie Magma, Constanta/Romania                                                                                          2022 | D ARTE GALLERY, Auction House , Bratislava/Slovakia (corona limited)
2021 | November - Januar Maenner Villa, Wien/Austria 
2021 | October 1-31, Terra: Nova Forum, Elsdorf/Germany 
2021 | September 11-12, Alte Rathaus, Bedburg/Germany
2021 | July Europa Artfair Amsterdam/Holland 
2021 | June 5- 31 August, “ Open happy light Space”Nicole Jutka Gallery Bucharest/Romania  2021 | May 28-30 “Festivalul romanilor de pretutindeni- Aici-Acolo”, online Exhibition, Bucharest/Romania                                          2021 | Mai 5 “Exploring the emotional potential of occupying a luminal free space between music and painting.” Free performance; painting by Nicole Jutka on  Jazz Music  by Bogdan Stoian, Olimp/Romania                                          2020 | Nov performative act, call to action, “LET US ACT IN LOVE AND LIGHT FOR US, OUR CHILDREN, FOR THE WORLD." Online Facebook performative act (call to action)                                                                                              2019 | August - September Project F7 – La vie en…pink, Villeneuve-Loubet, Espace Rene Tosti, Cote d Azur/France                                                                2019 | Iuly -  August, Project F7 – La vie en…pink, Muzeul Taranului roman, Bucharest/Romania
2018 | February - April , Galeria Alexandra’s Bucharest/Romania
2018 | February, Art Fair, Parallax, London/UK
2017 | June, Etoile Gallery, Düsseldorf/Germany
2017 | June, Art Safari Art Fair, Bucharest/Romania
2016 | June, Kunstraub Gallery, Cologne/Germany
2016 | May, Art Safari Art Fair, Bucharest/Romania
2016  | April, Centrul Cultural UNESCO, Bucharest/Romania
2015 | November/ Dezember, Muzeul Taranului Roman, Bucharest/Romania
2015 | November, Art Fair A19, Paris/France
2015 | April - May , Glashaus Gallery „La vie en rose“, Bedburg, Germany
2015 | Januar - Februar, Löffler Museum, Kosice, Slovakia                           
2014 | Oktober, DARTE GALLERY, Auction House , Bratislava/Slovakia


G R O U P E X H I B I T I O N (last years)_


2021 | September 3 - Dezember 3, “BLACK SEA FEELINGS”, Nicole Jutka Gallery/Olimp, Romania                                                                                          2021 |  Juni 11 - 12 MUSIC & PAINTING, fantastic Fusion Nicole and Rachel Jutka performing painting on life Jazz music by jazz-stars Jan Stoian and Robert Patai                                                                                                                        2019 |  December, Artbox Art Fair, Miami, USA 2019 August, Artbox Salon, Zurich/Swiss
2019 |  May, Codrin Gallery, Bucharest/Romania
2019 | May, Cotroceni Museum, Bucharest/Romania
2018 | August, History Museum Constanta/Romania
2018 | Januar, Unesco, Bucharest/Romania
2017 | October, Romanian Cultural Institute, Paris/France
2017 | August, National Museum, Bran/Romania
2017 | July, Unesco, Bucharest/Romania
2017 | July, Church San Nicolaus, Predeal/Romania
2017 | July, History Museum Ipotesti/Romania
2017 | June, Art & Fashion, Mamaia/Romania
2017 | European Book Art Biennale Collection Galerie Yummis Tsuzuki, Tokyo/Japan
2016 | 3rd European International Book Art Biennale, Kuna/India
2016 | Cabaret Voltaire, Zürich/Swiss
2016 | Premio Internationale D’Arte, San Crispino/Italia
2016| Kult Gallery, Bedburg/German

E D U C A T I O N_

2019 | Arthistory, Artmanagement, bei Auction House Artmarkt Bucharest/Romania
2014 | Further Education: to Art Teacher/Educator for culture and school, ministry for culture and education Cologne/Germany
2009 – 2011 |  * Artpedagogic, Cologne Culture Institute, Cologne/Germany
2011 | Furt Further Education: Aspects of the Culture of Aging, Culture Institute Cologne/Germany
2011 | Further Education: Moderating, Presenting, Visualizing, VHS Düsseldorf /Germany
2011 | Further Education: Quality development and accompanying learning counseling, Volkshochschule Düsseldorf/Germany
2009 – 2010 | * Adult Basic Educational qualification for course instructors at community college in NRW, Düsseldorf/Germany
2010 | Further Education: Communication and collegial advice, VHS Düsseldorf /Germany
2009 | Further Education: Moderating, Presenting, Visualizing, VHS Düsseldorf /Germany
2009 | Further Education: Learning in groups, VHS Düsseldorf /Germany
2009 | Further Education: Communication and collegial advice, VHS / Germany
2009 | Further Education: Teaching and learning in adult education,  VHS Düsseldorf/ Germany
2009 | Further Education: Adult Education Center as a place of learning and field of activity, Düsseldorf Adult Education Center/Germany
2009 | Further Education: Quality development and accompanying learning counseling, VHS Düsseldorf/Germany
2000 – 2001 | * Multimedia Graphic-Design and Desktop Publishing Specialist, Incurricula, Mönchengladbach/Germany
1990 – 1993 | * Fashion Design, Ioan Slatineanu Academy, Bucharest/Romania


W O R K E X P E R I E N C E_

since 2021  | Owner Nicole Jutka Gallery
since 2019  | President Asociation „Part of world“
2010-2020  | Owner of Atelier Jutka,“Art School for all“ Bedburg/Germany,
since 2011  | Founding „Teamart 11“, Team Building for companies and their employees
since 2002  | Freelance Artist
1993-1998  | Artdirector bei EWS Sindorf/Germany


P E D A G O G I C A L P R O J E C T S_ (Choice from 200 Projects)

2019 | International Project „ la vie en pink“, France-Romania
2017 – 2018 | „Europa“, graffiti action, Erasmus project Europe, Berufskolleg Adolf-Kolping, Germany, exhibition
2017 – 2018 | „Love no war“, identity, intercultural project Europe international kids, Berufskolleg Bergheim, Germany, exhibition
2017 – 2018| „New fables, young authors“, painting, sculpture, ethics, literature, theater, recycling, Wilhelm Busch Schule, Bedburg, Germany, Culture and School, exhibition
2017 – 2018| „New fables, young authors“, painting, sculpture, ethics, literature, theater, recycling, Hermann Gemeinde Schule Glesch, Bedburg, Germany, Culture and School, exhibition
2017 – 2018 | „Love no war“, identity, intercultural project Europe international kids two groups, Berufskolleg Kerpen, Germany, exhibition
2016 – 2017 |„part of this world“ identity, intercultural project Europe international kids two groups, Berufskolleg Kerpen, Germany, exhibition
2016 – 2017| „Inspiration Fables“, painting, sculpture, ethics, literature, theater, recycling, Hermann Gemeinde Schule Glesch, Bedburg, Germany, Culture and School, exhibition
2015 – 2016 | „part of this world“ identity, intercultural project Europe international kids, graffiti, Berufskolleg Kerpen, Germany, exhibition
2015 – 2016 |„Inspiration Fables“, painting, sculpture, ethics, literature, theater, recycling, Hermann Gemeinde Schule Gleschl, Bedburg, Germany, Culture and School, exhibition
2015 – 2016 |  „Inspiration Fables“, painting, sculpture, ethics, literature, theater, recycling, Wilhelm Busch School, Bedburg , Culture and School, exhibition
2015„part of this world“ identity, intercultural project orphan kids, Löffler Museum, Kosice, Slovakia
2014-2015 | „my dream home“ , ethics, literature, identity, intercultural project School in Pulheim, Germany
2014 – 2015 | „part of this world“ identity, intercultural project Europe, Berufskolleg Kerpen, Germany
2014| „part of this world“ identity, intercultural project Europe, Berufskolleg Kerpen, exhibition
2013 – 2014 | „Inspiration Fables“, painting, sculpture, ethics, literature, theater, recycling, Wilhelm Busch School, Bedburg, Germany, Culture and School, exhibition
2013 | „Part of this World“, identity, intercultural project. OGS, junior and secondary school Elsdorf, Germany, exhibition
2012 – 2013 | „Inspiration Fables“, painting, sculpture, ethics, literature, theater, recycling, Wilhelm Busch School, Bedburg, Germany, Culture and School, exhibition by Nicole Jutka, intercultural project. junior and secondary school Elsdorf, Germany, exhibition 2012 | after book „ Bello and the blue wonder“ ( Paul Maar) painting and sculpture, intercultural Wilhelm Busch School, exhibition Bedburg Castel                                                                                2011 – 2013 | „Inspiration Fables“, painting, sculpture, ethics, literature, theater, recycling, Wilhelm Busch School, Bedburg, Germany, Culture and School, exhibition.                                                                                                          2011 | „Part of this World“, identity, intercultural project. Berufskolleg Kerpen, exhibition                                                                                                          2011 | „holiday without suitcases _ Picasso and I“, retirement home, Elsdorf.        2010 | Musical RitterRost, interdisciplinary School,  Kaster


A R T R E S I D E N C Y _ (symposiums)

2021 |  Mannervilla, Wien/Osterreich

2018 |  Eforie Sud, Unesco – Artcaravane, Romania, Dimbovicioara,, Romania
2017 |  Sucevita Unesco – Artcaravane, Romania
2017 |  Ipotesti Unesco – Artcaravane, Romania, Predeal
2017 |  Bran Unesco – Artcaravane, Romania
Certificate of excellence to all symposions



 P U B L I C A T I O N _

2021 | Nicole Jutka, Germany

2020 | F7, La vie en Pink

2017 | Art Safari, Bucharest, 9 786068605531

2016 | Art Safari, Bucharest, 9 786068605531

2015 | New People 1151361, Löffler Museum

2014 |  Das Glashaus

2014 | New People, New Landscape 1373470

2013 |Das Experiment, 1961678


P R E S S  &  M E D I A _2020-2021

[21:08, 12.10.2021] Nicole Jutka Gallery:ünstlerin-erhält-global-art-award-für-ihr-ölgemälde/ar-BB1cu6UY

M O R E   P R E S S  &   M E D I A _